Our land’s ecosystem

As we all know, there are many unexplored planets, satellites and stars sorrounding the Earth which are waiting to be discovered. Your mission is to travel as far as you can in order to get the $SSAP to your community. This shall enable you to pay for future trips and technological advances in order to discover new galaxies.

How much expirience do I need?

You can travel to planet 1 with a minimum experience of 150. Each new planet you want to explore shall requiere 150 more of experience. This means that if you want to explore planet 10, your team shall have 1500 of experience.

How much probability of winning do I have?

Each planet shall have a stipulated winrate. As it has been already mentioned, if you have a complete team (level 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) you shall have a 3.5% higher winrate for each team. This means that in the last planet you shall have a maximum of 90% of winning rate.

Let’s get to know our satellites, planets and stars.

Last updated