The spaceships are the ones to take us to these frightening missions in order to get the $SSAP. You will have to take good care if you want the trip to be safe and successful.

It is important to know that after 15/30 days of explorations, you have to renew the permission to use the spaceships paying an established $SSAP fee.

The sum of $SSAP to renew the use of the rockets will be burnt to prevent the health of our game from depending on new users playing Human World.

Level 1: You will have no more than 2 explorers.

Level 2: You will have no more than 4 explorers.

Level 3: You will have no more than 6 explorers.

Boss level: You will have no more than 8 explorers. (**read more about this below)

Level 5: You will have no more than 8 explorers. This rocket don't pay the fee for reuse.


You will have to pay US$6 in $SSAP for each spaceship you own. The first fee is due when you start and the second one is paid after 30 days.

You will have to pay 10% of the sum of $SSAP that the planet you are travelling will give you. If planet 1 gives you US$10 with each trip, you will have to pay $US 1 in oil.

** This rocket grants you a bonus: If you own a boss level human, he will not occupy a seat in the boss spaceship. Therefore, you will be able to have the human boss and 8 more explorers in the rocket.

Gamblin Winning Probability

Level 1: 44%

Level 2: 25%

Level 3: 16%

Boss Level: 7.5%

Level 5: 7.5%

After being launched and returning home, each spaceship shall be repaired by the explorers. This shall be a fee to be charged in $SSAP. The total sum of US$30 shall be paid for 15/30 days.

You will have to pay 30 USD in $ SSAP in total for all your rockets. This fee is paid at the beginning and after 30 days.

Is it posible to say that you are going to pay for too much trading fees? It depends. The sum of trading fees shall be included in the rewards pool, which is profitable to the crew aboard Human World! Apart from the fact that the fee charge is not high, you shall be able to pay for it with your blocked rewards. Not only shall you repair the spaceship, but you also shall oil the spaceship for it to have the sufficient power to get to the Moon! Or even further away. Get your ticket now!

Do you still have any question regarding the humans and spaceships? Continue reading the FAQ section below.

Last updated